Monday, November 12, 2007

14 months today

Miss Ali Is 14 months today and a very active happy little girl. Ali celebrated her first Halloween by first going to visit her friends Rebecca and Marrim the night before. They gladly shared their pumpkins to let us get a few pictures. Ali being Ali got a little excited at times and pulled Marm's hair but Marm understood that she was "Just a Baby". Halloween night she enjoyed standing in the front window waving at all the trick or treaters.

We are still adjusting her meds regarding seizures but they are occuring further and further apart. We have pretty much come to the conclusion that it has nothing to do with her diet. With that being said she has been able to enjoy the finer foods in life. "MacDonald's"

We still just have a crawler in the house but she has managed to accomplish some other very important tasks like turning off the lights, opening and closing cupboards and the most important, flushing the toilet.

With the last picture in this post, the one on the left was taken while we were in China and the one the the right just a few weeks ago. We can really see the change in her. We needed to do a new picture for her Canadian citizenship because unfortunately it would become to much of a pain to go see Mickey Mouse until she is a Canadian.

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